California Dental Insurance, What is Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay is the destruction of the outer surface of a tooth from acid forming bacteria that is produced by food containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches). Tooth Decay Prevention: Brush your teeth twice a day with a tooth paste that contains fluoride. Preferably, brush after each meal and before bedtime to help reduce the bacteria from staying on your teeth for a certain length of time. You may wish to consider these helpful tips as well: Floss your teeth daily to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Check with your dentist regarding the use of a supplemental fluoride which strengthens your teeth and helps prevents tooth decay. Consider dental sealants which is a plastic like substance placed on the top of molars to protect the teeth from decay.
Use mouth wash with fluoride. Many of them kill 50% or more of the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Chewing gum with the ingredient Xylitol © may also kill some of the bacteria which causes tooth decay.